Sunday, 20 October 2019

Helmeted Character - Presentation & hand-in

Thursday, last day before the hand-in that I would be able to work on the character because of the EGX trip on Friday. I spent the morning making the textures for the prop and plinth, I tried to keep them nice and simple since I didn't actually have the time for anything else. I had some trouble deciding what material to make for the plinth, initially I made some dirt, earthy material then changed it to some metallic, sci-fi floor tiles. I wasn't happy with how these two looked because I felt like it took the attention from the character, so I ended up doing just a flat colour with an alpha map, just something that would catch the shadows nicely. For the butterfly, I wanted to make its body metallic and its wings made of some semi translucent glass material and emissive.
Over the past couple of days I experimented a bit with hair cards, I hand painted the texture for them in Photoshop and spent some time placing them and trying to make them look nice. I managed to get her hair to look fairly decent but by the end I realised that I actually prefer her without hair, because I think that it adds more personality to the character and it is a nicer detail than just having hair. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to modify the UV sheet and remove the hair texture so I had to leave it as it is.
I spent the rest of the time trying to light the scene nicely in marmoset. I always find it difficult to set it in such a way that would compliment my character so I had to go through a lot of trials and feedback until I got something that looked decent.
At the end of the day, I had something that could be called finished to hand in. I am fairly happy with how the character turned out but there are still some areas that I would like to change and improve, so I am planning to go back and makes some changes after I get the formative feedback.

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