Friday, 25 October 2019

SO Character - Sculpt 1

For the second project I have decided to do the Sunset Overdrive character and picked a concept made by snod snow on artstation ( I picked this concept becaue I think that it would fit in the Sunset Overdrive universe if I sculpt it in that art style, the character has a lot of features that I saw on actual characters from the game, like the mask, clothing style and even the samurai themed parts, the katanas and shoulder pads. 

My first goal was to block in the character as quickly as possible, I sculpted the main shapes of the body and tried to match the proportions with those on the concept. I didn't want to make the body sculpt very detailed, as most of it it's going to be covered by clothing anyway. Most of the pieces of his outfit I made directly in Zbrush, except for the coat which I modeled in 3dsMax first, as I wanted to have more control on the shape. The pieces done in Zbrush are a combination of using extract and zremesh ( e.g. the shirt, pants, legs wraps), adding basic shapes (for the mask) and using insert mesh brushes (doing plane strips for the belts and the bloby shapes for the hair).

At this point everything was looking very simple and undefined but I tried to focus on getting the silhouette right and the main forms before adding more details. It took me a little longer than I expected and a lot of going back and forth before I got something that I was ok with, I spent roughly 2 days working on the block in, trying to get things right. 
After I had the base, I slowly started to add more details to the sculpt and define the shapes better.
Also, went back to 3dsMax to make the props (the kunais on his belts and katanas), as I wanted to get them in as soon as possible to see how they would look and how to fit them within the outfit. 

I managed to get some details on almost everything, except for the coat and also add some bits that were missing from the legs wraps. The main thing that I am focusing on next is the coat and how to make it work with the katanas on the side, I am debating between sculpting the coat to be covering them or leave it as it is and rig it in the right position. 
Still got a lot of work to do but it's slowly taking shape.
That's the work I managed to get done in the first 3 days. 

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