Thursday, 3 October 2019

Helmeted Character- Sculpt 1

For my first 3rd year project I chose to do the helmeted character. I spent some time looking for interesting concepts and I picked one made by Kev Chan ( I decided on this one because I have never done this type of character before and I think it would allow me to experiment with different materials and shapes. Also, I liked the fact that the concept is not very defined and I could make my own interpretation of the character.

I started directly in Zbrush from a mannequin which I posed and changed the proportions to what I needed, then I started building the anatomy on top of it. Firstly, I loosely sculpted the main shapes and forms and then slowly added more muscle definition and details, I wanted to keep the brush strokes fairly visible to give a rougher look to the sculpt because I want the whole character to be robotic and have most body parts mechanic, with the exception of some organic bits (face, lower abdomen, thighs).
After I had a basic body to work on I made a block out for the main pieces of clothing and armor. I kept everything symmetrical in the beginning because I wanted to get as many things done as I could and broke the symmetry later on in the process. For the clothing, I mainly used Extract and Zremesh.

After this first pass, I went over all the pieces of clothing to add more definition to them and some details. Also, I started adding the smaller accessories to her outfit and helmet. After I had reached a level of definition I was happy with on some body parts, I changed them to be asymmetrical.

This is the progress that I managed to make after 2 days of working on the character, I have different subtools for every piece of clothing, most of them were extracted from the body mesh then Zremeshed to get cleaner topology and I used subdivisions to build up the details. I tried keeping the poly count down for as much as I could and only subdivided when I could not sculpt at that level anymore.

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