Sunday, 6 October 2019

Helmeted Character - Sculpt 2

Spent some more time refining the forms and adding more details. Also, I've made other pieces of her outfit which were missing. I've decided to stray a little bit from the original concept and add some indication of muscle fibers on her arms, as to push the idea of her being robotic, as well as split her torso in two parts, the upper part being metallic and the lower organic.

Added the last bits of her outfit that were missing, the only things left to make are the buckles for her belts which I am planning to model directly in 3dsMax while I'll be retoping. Also, I've decided not add the belt that went across her chest in the original concept because I think it is not necessary as it was holding the gun at her back which I am not sure I will have time to model, I am focusing on finishing the character first and if I have time left at the end of the project I will model her props.
Spent some more time working on her face and hands, used layers to try out some different ideas, like the connections on the finger joints and panels on her upper torso. I tried making the panels on her torso give an indication of the anatomy so I made them follow her ribcage and muscles. Also, I've added some bolts on the organic part of the torso to make a connection to the robotic part.

This is the stage I achieved after 4 days of working on the character.

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