Sunday, 26 January 2020

FMP Biker -Sculpt 3

I managed to finish the sculpt at the by Wednesday, the third week, just as I wanted. I didn't have a lot of changes to make, mostly just making adjustments. I worked a bit more on the folds of the fabrics but I didn' add any wear or damage to anything because I think it would be more efficient and easier to tweak if I did it directly in Substance Painter. Also, I was thinking of making different wear stages for the textures if I have time, for example, having a standard one, not too worn, and a really worn and beaten down one, so having wear on my sculpt wouldn't really help me with this.
I added some simple accessories, I am not completely sure if I should add more, but if I need to I'll just duplicate the ones that I already have. At this point, I have all the elements that I need in place and if I need to change anything it would be easy to reuse what I have.

I am leaving skin details, like pores, for Substance Painter as well, again because it would be quicker and easier to adjust them, and also I could add colour/roughness variation at the same time.
For the hair, I will leave it as it is for now, as it gives me the overall shapes and some direction for the hair strands, I don't think I need more to build the hair cards on top of that.

I am thinking to add more details to the jacket, something like patches or pins, but I will try that out in the textures. Also, I will add stitches and seams with the textures too. 

At this stage, I am ready to start the low poly. I only have a few objects to retop completely, as most of them I've made as low poly models from the start. Hopefully, I will be able to finish the low poly in one week, and then unwrap and pack everything in a few more days. This way, I would have 2 weeks left to do the textures, hair, rig and put it in the engine, which is still quite a bit of work but I hope I'll manage. 

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