Friday, 22 May 2020

FMP - Rig&Skin

I rigged and skinned all characters in 3ds Max using the biped. I added additional bones for some areas to control them better (like the cloak and dress for the demoness, the chain for the biker).

Because both characters have a lot of small objects and pieces attached to them and it was really difficult to skin it I decided to split the meshes. So I split the hair, eyes, the cloak (for the demoness) and the chain and cloth belt (for the biker). It was much easier to skin them afterwards to the same skeleton than trying to fix everything all at once.
 Rigging and skinning took some days for each character. The meshes are deforming alright in most poses, but for some more exaggerated ones, there is some clipping which I couldn't fix. The part which is bothering me the most, are the sleeves of the cloak for the demoness because they should be affected by gravity and change shape depending on how she's moving her hands and I couldn't rig them to work well in all poses. Because I really have to move on and finish this project, I decided to adjust the areas which are not working properly when doing the final poses directly on the meshes, so they would look right in the renders (since the characters won't be animated anyway). 

Rigging the cat was a bit trickier since I was starting from a biped, but I could find an example of a horse being rigged this way, so I tried to do something similar. I tried to adjust the bones so they would roughly fit the actual anatomy of a cat and added some more bones to control the wings and the ears. 
Overall, it took an entire week to rig and skin everything and a few more days to work on the poses for the presentation. That leaves me with roughly a week to finish the presentations in UE4 and Marmoset before the deadline. 

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